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Cloud Quickstart

Cloud BuildBuddy is a fully managed SaaS solution for Enterprise Bazel features. It provides a results store & UI, remote build caching, remote build execution, and more.

It's easy to get set up and is free for individuals and open source projects. For companies, we offer an Enterprise version of BuildBuddy that contains advanced features like OIDC Auth, API access, and more.


To use BuildBuddy's Results UI, you just need to configure Bazel to send build events to our cloud BuildBuddy instance. The easiest way to do this is with a .bazelrc file in the root of your project.

build --bes_results_url=
build --bes_backend=grpcs://

That's it, 2 lines and you're up and running. For more advanced configurations, see the Authentication and More features sections below.

Verifying your installation

Now, when you build or test with Bazel, it will print a url where you can view your build or test results. For example:

tylerw@lunchbox:~/buildbuddy-io/buildbuddy$ bazel build server:all
INFO: Streaming build results to:
INFO: Analyzed 13 targets (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 13 targets...
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.212s, Critical Path: 0.01s
INFO: 0 processes.
INFO: Streaming build results to:
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action

You can ⌘ + double-click on these urls to quickly view the invocation's details.


BuildBuddy Cloud offers three authentication options which are easy to configure on BuildBuddy Cloud:

  • Unauthenticated - your build logs are uploaded over an encrypted gRPCS/TLS connection and be accessible with anyone you share your BuildBuddy URL with, without credentials. They will not be associated with any BuildBuddy account or organization.
  • API key based auth - your build logs are uploaded over an encrypted gRPCS/TLS connection, and will be associated with your account. Only your account and members of your BuildBuddy organization will be able to view your build logs.
  • Certificate based auth - your build logs are uploaded over an encrypted mTLS (mutual TLS) connection. Only your account and members of your BuildBuddy organization will be able to view your build logs.

To configure one of these authentication methods:

  1. Create a BuildBuddy account.
  2. Visit the Quickstart page which will now contain authentication options.

For more information see our Authentication Guide.

More features

For instructions on how to configure additional BuildBuddy features like Remote Build Caching, Remote Build Execution, and more:

  1. Create a BuildBuddy account.
  2. Visit the Quickstart page which has instructions on enabling Remote Build Cache, Remote Build Execution, and more.

For more information on getting started with Remote Build Execution, see our RBE setup docs.