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We're deeply passionate about making developers more productive.

We're based out of San Francisco, California. Prior to starting BuildBuddy — we collectively spent over a decade at Google building products across Android, Google Maps, Search, Google Assistant, Google Cloud, AdWords, and Area 120.
George Li
Previously Head of APAC Sales Engineering at Looker (acquired by Google Cloud). Studied Computer Science at UVA.
Maggie Lou
Previously Software Engineer at Thumbtack. Studied Computer Science at Northwestern.
Fabian Meumertzheim
Previously Software Engineer at Code Intelligence. Maintainer of Bazel's rules_go and gazelle. Studied Mathematics and Computer Science at The University of Bonn.
Brandon Duffany
Previously Software Engineer at Google. Studied Computer Science at Cornell.
Zoey Greer
Previously Software Engineer at Google. Studied Computer Science at Virginia Tech.
Iain Macdonald
Previously Senior Software Engineer at Google — 10 years. Studied Software Engineering at McGill.
Vadim Berezniker
Previously Senior Software Engineer at Google — 7 years. Studied Computer Science at Stony Brook.
Jim Hollenbach
Previously Staff Software Engineer at Google — 10 years. Studied Computer Science at MIT.
Lulu Zhang
Previously Senior Software Engineer at Google & Thumbtack. Studied Computer Science at University of California, Irvine.
Grace Chuang
Previously Finance, Operations, and Product Strategy at Google & J.P. Morgan. Studied Commerce, Finance and Marketing at UVA.
Son Luong Ngoc
Previously Senior DevOps Engineer & SRE at Qarik,, Lazada & Alibaba.
Siggi Simonarson
Previously Senior Software Engineer at Google — 6 years. Studied Computer Science at Virginia Tech.
Tyler Williams
Previously Staff Software Engineer at Google — 7 years. Studied Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at MIT.


Pari Parajuli
Software Engineering Intern studying Computer Science at University of California, Berkeley.
Brentley Jones
Previously Staff Software Engineer at Lyft & Target. Maintainer of Bazel's rules_apple and rules_swift.

Our investors

Y Combinator
Village Global

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