We're deeply passionate about making developers more productive.
We're based out of San Francisco, California. Prior to starting BuildBuddy — we collectively spent over a decade at Google building products across Android, Google Maps, Search, Google Assistant, Google Cloud, AdWords, and Area 120.
Previously Senior Software Engineer at Google — 6 years. Studied Computer Science at Virginia Tech.
Previously Staff Software Engineer at Google — 10 years. Studied Computer Science at MIT.
Previously Staff Software Engineer at Google — 7 years. Studied Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at MIT.
Previously Head of APAC Sales Engineering at Looker (acquired by Google Cloud). Studied Computer Science at UVA.
Previously Senior Software Engineer at Google — 10 years. Studied Software Engineering at McGill.
Previously Senior Software Engineer at Google — 7 years. Studied Computer Science at Stony Brook.
Previously Software Engineer at Code Intelligence. Maintainer of Bazel's rules_go and gazelle. Studied Mathematics and Computer Science at The University of Bonn.
Previously Finance, Operations, and Product Strategy at Google & J.P. Morgan. Studied Commerce, Finance and Marketing at UVA.
Previously Senior Software Engineer at Google & Thumbtack. Studied Computer Science at University of California, Irvine.
Previously Senior Software Engineer at Google — 12 years. Worked on Google's internal remote build execution service. Studied Computer Science at Rutgers.