Bazelcon 2023 Recap
Iain Macdonald, Software Engineer @ BuildBuddy
Another year, another Bazelcon! This year's edition was held in Munich, Germany, and featured two days of talks by Bazel maintainers, contributers, and users. Among the Bazel users represented as this year's conference were:, RabbitMQ, Spotify, Stripe, Uber, and more.
Here are some of the highlights:
- Jim talked about improvements we've made to the trends page to help users find and fix strange builds.
- Maggie explained how we're using user fault file descriptors (UFFD) and FUSE to clone micro-VMs over the network, keeping CI runner Bazel analysis caches hot, and speeding up workflows by up to 8x.
- Son dove deep on supporting multi-platform builds in a monorepo.
- Brentley co-lead a Birds of a Feather session with Lyft's Keith Smiley focused on Bazel-on-iOS.
- We co-hosted a well-attended happy hour together with Google Cloud open to all conference attendees.
- We had a great time meeting a bunch of our amazing customers, and other folks passionate about Bazel.
More details below!
Our talks
Finding and Fixing Strange Builds with BuildBuddy
By Jim Hollenbach
Reusing Bazel's Analysis Cache by Cloning Micro-VMs
By Maggie Lou
Multi-Platforms Build with Remote Build Execution
By Son Luong Ngoc
BuildBuddy shout-outs
Planting Bazel in Barren Soil: A Perl Story
By Manuel Naranjo
RabbitMQ and the Story of rules_erlang
By Rin Kuryloski
Looking forward to seeing everyone again next year!